Storage management ORSY®
More efficiency, less effort.

Gain time with ORSY® inventory management.

More efficiency, less effort.

Gain time with ORSY® inventory management.

Storage management CPS®ORSY

Small parts usually have a low material value. However, their procurement is often cost-intensive - because the material search, stocktaking and re-ordering of small parts takes a lot of time and therefore causes high costs.

The ORSY® systems offer modular solutions for stationary as well as mobile use and can be customised as per your requirements down to the smallest detail. Not only does ORSY® arrange your storage easily and neatly but also simplifies the reordering process of your materials. For example, with Würth App or with one of our automated supply solutions such as ORSY®mat vending machines.

The best thing about ORSY® is that everything fits together, all the systems can be combined with each other and everything finds a perfect place every time and everywhere.

ORSY®: More efficiency through ORder with SYstem

ORSY® stands for order with system. In the solutions we have developed over the years in cooperation with our customers, clarity and transparency are particularly important to us. Thanks to the modular design, we work with you to adapt the system optimally to your needs and the available storage space, so that material requirements are identified and covered at a glance. Even items that are rarely or never used are easily identified and possibly eliminated, so that the space gained can be used for more important items.

ENERCON Service setzt auf Lagerlösungen der Würth Industrie Service

Out of the vehicle, into the station: ENERCON Service relies on storage solutions from Würth Industrie Service.

Our ORSY® system helps ENERCON make service processes more efficient. Tailored solutions ensure seamless supply, maximum productivity, and a sustainable partnership.

„With the modular drawer solutions of the racks by Würth Industrie Service, we will henceforth save valuable space and also benefit from organised storage of our small parts as per requirement. Our inventories are managed in a lean manner and yet we always have sufficient stock available. And that too with increased productivity as well as added savings in terms of time and costs across all stations", said Björn Abromeit, Team Lead – Materials Management at ENERCON Service.

ORSY®flex: Optimally tailored to your needs.

With its modular design, the ORSY®flex shelving system offers ideal storage for your fasteners, auxiliary materials, and operating supplies. All items are stored in a way that ensures you can find everything at a glance and replenish stock in time.

ORSY®flex - shelf for production, maintenance, logistics

Flexible all-rounder

  • Flexible use of shelves
  • Optimum use of storage space
  • For bins and cardboard boxes
  • Nine shelf levels for W®KLT bin
  • Simple reordering with scanning function of the Würth App
  • Wide range of accessories (e.g. drawers, cases, modules for cartridges, threaded rods and canisters)
Two-bin system with ORSY®flex

Shelf depth: one system with infinite possibilities

  • 350 mm, suitable for one-bin system with W®KLT 2.0 2115 and 3215
  • 680 mm, suitable for two-bin system with W®KLT 2.0 2115 and 3215
  • 830 mm, suitable for two-bin system with W®KLT 2.0 4315 and 4115
  • 500 mm, suitable for supplementing with modules of the ORSY®1 shelf series, ideal for using cardboard boxes
ORSY®mat and ORSY®flex - a perfect match

The perfect match: ORSY®flex and ORSY®mat

Thanks to their uniform height of 1950 mm, the shelving system and vending machine not only complement each other perfectly, but also are visually appealing. With the automated reordering, individual authorisation concept and complete transparency about all processes, withdrawals and orders, ORSY®mat is the ideal addition for high-quality auxiliary and operating materials.

Other solutions from the world of ORSY®. More time for core work.

ORSY® Regalsysteme
ORSY® shelving systems

Various shelving components can be individually combined to create a system that fits your needs perfectly—whether for cardboard boxes, bins, or chemical-technical products.


Würth Scanner
Würth Scanner

By scanning product barcodes, the item is immediately added to the online shop's shopping cart. You can review and add more items before placing the order.


Würth App
Würth App

An online shop and barcode scanner in one! Simply open the app, select the barcode scanner, scan the desired product barcodes, and you will be automatically directed to the product.


Automatisiertes Material- und Gefahrstofflager ORSY®Push

The automated material and hazardous substance warehouse independently reorders via sensor technology and allows for flexible adaptation to changes in the product range.


ORSY®mat Ausgabeautomaten

ORSY®mat vending machines are ideal for supplying auxiliary and operating materials. When an item is withdrawn, the reorder is placed immediately, followed by restocking by one of our employees.


Automatisierte Materialausgabe ORSY®Crib

The automated material dispenser ORSY®Crib is essentially an ORSY®mat XXL. It offers a wide range of various items and automatically reorders them when they are withdrawn.


Betriebs-, Werkstatt- und Lagereinrichtung
Workshop equipment

Whether you need a single workbench or a complete workshop setup – with our modular system, you benefit from quality, flexibility, and thoughtful design.



Our vehicle setups can be customized to suit your specific needs. Made from aluminum, steel, and plastic—completely tailored to you, yet lightweight.



Von der Planung der Versorgungskonzepte bis zur Lagerung vor Ort auf der Baustelle - wir kümmern uns darum, dass Sie sich überall auf eine sichere C-Teile-Versorgung verlasssen können.

ORSY Regale Vorteile

Your advantages

  • Maximum process reliability through transparent inventory overview and control
  • Easy handling without burdening your internal structures
  • Cost reduction
  • Optimum use of existing storage space
  • Fast access
  • Increased productivity through automated ordering processes

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