Sustainability strategy of Würth Industrie Service

Sustainability is firmly anchored in Würth Industrie Service. For us, sustainability is based on balancing the dimensions of ecology, economy und social affairs. All the three dimensions focus on using the resources – natural, financial and human – consciously and responsibly. In line with our values and objectives, future-oriented and sustainable action forms the basis of our internal and external business relationships.

We are in the final for the German Sustainability Award!

As pioneers in the transformation of the "Machinery and Plant" sector for "Capital Goods Wholesale," we are delighted to be nominated for the final of the German Sustainability Award.

Sustainability is firmly anchored in our corporate strategy and is defined as one of the 12 critical success factors. Our corporate policy, which serves as a guideline for all employees and is implemented by our management, also reflects our awareness of sustainable and responsible behaviour. Our established Code of Conduct and Code of Compliance are binding conduct guidelines for all the employees and business partners. They define sustainability as the foundation for our everyday action and are the basis for our decision-making. The principle of continuous improvement has always been an integral part of our corporate philosophy in the form of our certified integrated management system based on ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards and comprehensive occupational health and safety management.

The sustainability strategy of Würth Industrie Service is the result of the analysis of company-relevant focus aspects from the three dimensions of ecology, economy und social affairs. It is also guided by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. As a first step, a total of four areas of action were identified with 11 focus topics supported by individual targets and key figures, based on our business model and our processes and priorities for Würth Industrie Service. The sustainability activities linked to our sustainability strategy are continuously reviewed and measured against the defined sustainability goals.

We check and measure the consistent implementation of our sustainability strategy against the defined sustainability goals based on the areas of action and the corresponding focus topics. Within the framework of sustainability reporting of the Würth Group, we report on our sustainability goals, measures and achievements based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards.

With the publication of our sustainability strategy, we are taking another important step forward and firmly anchoring our conscious, forward-looking and binding actions in our structures based on our corporate values and social commitment.

Sustainability development strategy model

Overview of areas of action

Culture and Society

Entrepreneurial action means future-oriented action. As a family business, we have been committed to this principle ever since our foundation. Würth Industrie Service assumes responsibility even beyond the boundaries of the company. Social engagement in non-profit, social institutions and support for a wide range of projects in the fields of arts and culture, research and science, as well as education and universities are particularly close to our hearts. As the largest employer in the region, we would like to continue to support the region locally and actively pursue an exchange with the city and the surrounding region in the future.

Products and Supply Chains

Würth Industrie Service relies on close cooperation with their business partners. We expect them to also commit themselves to the defined goals of sustainability, in particular with regard to human rights, occupational health and safety, environmental protection and fight against corruption. Analysing the lifecycle of our products and services is an important component in keeping our entire supply chain transparent. The progress of digitalisation and automation will also help us to further develop our business model in the long term. Our goal is to gradually and completely move from linear economies to circular value creation.


Growth secures jobs and apprenticeships and creates more jobs and training opportunities. The well-being of our employees is our top priority, for which we emphasise on comprehensive and preventive occupational health and safety, which is constantly being developed. Diversity has many facets. We commit ourselves to never let prejudices and resentment win, but to actively fight against them on a daily basis and to promote cooperation and mutual support. Equal opportunities means removing all barriers and constraints. In this way, we intend to strengthen our employees, support them in all aspects and ensure gender equality.


We commit ourselves to a holistic environmental protection. For us, environmental protection includes all measures aimed at avoiding pressure on the natural environment and responsibly managing natural resources. This includes, among other things, developing an environmentally friendly disposal strategy, careful land use, sustainable logistics and customer solutions, and steady promotion of digitalisation. We focus particularly on energy storage, renewable energy generation and prevention of CO2 emissions.

Sustainable Development Goals

3. Good health and well-beeing
4. Quality education
5. Gender equality
7. Affordable and clean energy
8. Decent work and economic growth
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
10. Reduced inequalities
12. Responible consumption and production
13. Climate action
15. Life on land
16. Peace, Justice and strong institutions
All targets

September 2024

German Sustainability Award 2024: We are in the finals!

On November 28, the 17th German Sustainability Award will be presented in Düsseldorf. Würth Industrie Service has been nominated in the investment goods – wholesale sector as a model for transformative change. We are very pleased to be among the three finalists. The award not only honors the most sustainable company, but also recognizes innovative solutions that contribute to the sustainable development of the economy.

August 2024

Focus on Sustainability

In September 2023, the first dual student began the three-year bachelor's degree program "Sustainable Management in Business" in the Sustainability and Environmental Management department at Würth Industrie Service. In addition to the theoretical phases at DHBW Mosbach, the practical phases throughout the course of study offer a special added value. Rotating through various departments allows the student to view, experience, and help shape sustainability in the company from different perspectives.

July 2024

Trucks powered by HVO100 in use

In cooperation with a freight carrier from Würth Industrie Service,approximately 50 percent of the delivered goods will be transported dailyby trucks powered by the alternative fuel HVO100, starting July 1st, 2024,on a trial basis. This will lead to additional savings of approximately 91 tons of CO₂ per year.

June 2024

Inclusion and diversity

The 12th German Diversity Day on May 28, 2024 was all about inclusion and diversity. By signing the "Charta der Vielfalt", Würth Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG is one of 5,900 companies that support the Charta der Vielfalt e. V. employer initiative and are committed to a diverse and appreciative corporate culture.

May 2024

Inclusion and diversity

The 12th German Diversity Day on May 28, 2024 is all about inclusion and diversity. By signing the "Charta der Vielfalt", Würth Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG is one of over 5,500 companies that support the Charta der Vielfalt e. V. employer initiative and are committed to a diverse and appreciative corporate culture.

April 2024

Too Good To Go

Under the motto "Saving good food together", Panorama Catering offers in our company restaurant surprise bags of surplus food via the "Too Good To Go" app. The bags are put together from the breakfast menu. The opportunity to actively counteract food waste in this way is very well received: A total of around 80 bags have already been purchased, which were favored by almost 180 employees in the app.

March 2024

Earth Hour 2024

On March 23rd, 2024, Earth Hour will take place for the 18th time, settingan example for a climate-friendly society, ambitious climate protection and a strong democracy. Würth Industrie Service is participating and encourages all employees to spend a conscious hour engaging in environmentallyfriendly activities or being with friends, family, or neighbors.

February 2024

Special Olympics

This year, Würth Industrie Service was once again able to welcome 9 trainees who volunteered as helpers at the Special Olympics in Thüringen, Germany. 900 people with intellectual and multiple disabilities took part in 10 different sports at the national sports event. The Würth Group has been a partner of the Special Olympics Germany since 2008 and thus promotes inclusion beyond everyday business.

January 2024

car pools via Carployee

With 5,271 car pools formed via Carployee, our employees were able to save 143,780 km and thus 18,580 kg of CO₂* last year! This is an increase of 21% compared to the previous year and means that CO₂ savings have increased significantly for the second year in a row.

*with assumed CO₂ emissions of 130 g/km

November 2023

Training rate of over 11 %

This year, Würth Industrie Service has already been attending 17 careers fairs and has made many contacts in Bad Mergentheim, Würzburg, Heilbronn and other cities. The good training of young people has a high priority at Würth Industrie Service and we are proud of our above-average training rate of over 11 %.

October 2023

New photovoltaic system

Sustainability is a strategic success factor for us. We are delighted to be awarded first place in the "Excellent Sustainability 2023" study by the F.A.Z and IMWF Institute in the category "Building Materials and Supplies (Wholesalers)". We are also in the final for the renowned "German Sustainability Award". The winners will be announced on October 31, 2023: We eagerly await the outcome!

September 2023

Awarded and nominated

Sustainability is a strategic success factor for us. We are delighted to be awarded first place in the "Excellent Sustainability 2023" study by the F.A.Z and IMWF Institute in the category "Building Materials and Supplies (Wholesalers)". We are also in the final for the renowned "German Sustainability Award". The winners will be announced on October 31, 2023: We eagerly await the outcome!

August 2023

Dispensing with calendar enablesdonation worth 6,500 euros

This year, for the first time, employees of Würth Industrie Service had the opportunity to donate the budget that exists for their own purchase of Würth calendars. Around 6,500 euros were collected in the process. The amount will be donated to a regional sustainability project.

July 2023

Cycling for the climate

WIScycle - Cycling for the climate: From 20 June to 4 July, Würth Industrie Servicecarried out the WIScycle cycling campaign, which involved employees cycling to work instead of driving. Numerous colleagues took part and cycled a total of more than 2,500 kilometres. This saved 370 kilogram of CO₂. A very pleasing, great result, for which wereward the ten most diligent cyclists with prizes for joint team meals.

June 2023

Cycling for the climate

WIScycle - Cycling for the climate: From 20 June to 04 July 2023, WIS is running a cycling competition. The aim is to save as much CO₂ as possible by switching to cycling to commute to work. Cash prizes for joint team lunches await the first ten winners.

May 2023

Exceed the legally required percentage of employees with disabilities

On May 5th, the European Day of Protest for the Equality of People with Disabilities took place under the motto "Shaping the Future Barrier-Free". The professional participation of people in an inclusive corporate environment is second nature to us. Therefore, one of our sustainability goals is to not only adhere but also exceed the legally required percentage of employees with disabilities.

April 2023

Digital solution

On average, each employee printed a total of 748 pages of paper in 2022. That is too much! Please let us reduce this number together! Please consciously consider: Do I really need to print this out? Which paper processes can be switched to a digital solution?

February 2023

Renewable energy

In 2022, we generated almost 8 % of our electricity consumption ourselveswith renewable energy.


We are there for you!
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