Würth Industrie Service event calendar

Inspiration, exchange and education: We offer all kinds of events relating to connection technology and C-Parts management.


Inspiration, exchange and education: We offer all kinds of events relating to connection technology and C-Parts management.

Event calendar

Time for impulses

In the events calendar, you will find all the events and seminars of Würth Industrie Service presented at a glance. At customer days, trade fairs, technical forums, conferences, specialist seminars, co-operation events or permanent exhibitions on the topic of art & culture, you can get the latest information on C-parts management and connection technology directly from our specialists.

Also digitally - interactively! In our webinar series, internal as well as external experts provide information about automated logistics concepts for C-Parts, contactless supply systems, intelligent system solutions, innovative workplace solutions, electronic solutions, additive manufacturing or even about basics of screws and nuts through different modules. Attain expert know-how digitally: C-Parts management for maximum supply security and productivity in just 45 minutes. Learn with us and from us!

Below you will find all the events and seminars of Würth Industrie Service presented at a glance.

EventsType of eventProgrammeDate, PlaceLanguage
Hall B7, booth 334
Trade fairTicket request
09/03/2024 - 09/06/2024
Hamburg, Germany
Supply Chain 4 FutureEventFurther information
10/08/2024 - 10/09/2024
Bad Mergentheim, Germany

Please note that all dates are subject to change. For more details, please click on "further information".

Interactive visitor platform WISperience

Discover the world of Würth Industrie Service on our new interactive visitor platform! In addition to a company presentation and a 360° logistics tour, you can also visit a specialist exhibition on our product and supply solutions for efficient C-parts management.


We are here for you!
Contact us on +49 7931 91-1672 or
email us at events@wuerth-industrie.com.